- IN-PERSON WORSHIP: Masks are no longer required to attend services/events at Word Of Truth Christian Fellowship. However, those who would still like to wear masks for your own safety are welcomed to do so. Additionally, temperature checks will no longer be administered.
- CHURCH VAN RIDERS: Due the church van being a smaller, enclosed area, both masks and temperature checks will STILL be administered when riding the church van.
- WEDNESDAY MIDDAY AND EVENING BIBLE STUDY: We have resumed in-person Bible Study sessions on Wednesday at 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm. These bible study sessions will not be live-streamed.
- SUNDAY SCHOOL: We have resumed our Sunday School on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. For more information, please see our Sunday Superintendent, Prophet Marion Williams, Jr.
- WORD OF TRUTH YOUTUBE CHANNEL: You can now subscribe to the Word of Truth YouTube Channel to catch our weekly services and bible studies! Check out the link below and be sure to hit the SUBSCRIBE button to keep up with bible studies, sermons, announcements and more! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wBWQjsZ4nJHc-OQbb4Giw/
- If you are member of Word of Truth Christian Fellowship and need to add or update your email address, please complete the following form: https://forms.gle/khVoHGynUmWG2Ug88. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Monty Barnes or Sis. Renita Allen Dawson.
- GETTING INVOLVED: If there are any members that are interested in using their abilities, gifts, and talents within the various ministries/auxiliaries of Word of Truth Christian Fellowship, please out a form denoting what area(s) you are considering serving in. You can fill out the form online here, or you may see Mother Shelby Best or Sister Renita Dawson for a physical copy of the form to complete.
- If there are any members who need transportation to the doctor, pharmacy, or grocery store, please contact Missionary Anna Pole Hall.
- The Word of Truth Mission Building will be open on Mondays from 9:00 AM to 12 Noon for the community in need of food and clothes.
- The Mission Ministry is asking the church family to give $1.00 each month. All contributions will go toward restocking the Mission Building. Please indication on your offering envelope.
- For service cancellation due to inclement weather, tune to WFMC 730AM/105.7FM, the church website, or ABC Channel 11 News and its affiliate stations for closings and delays.
- The Word of Truth Broadcast is aired every Saturday evening at 7:30 PM on WFMC 730AM/105.7FM.
- If you have relocated or changed your telephone number, please give the corrected information to the church secretary as soon as possible.
Please refer to the bulletin board in the hallway for additional announcements.
Prayer List (Sick and Shut-in/Recovery)
As we all need prayer, please remember those among our church family who are currently dealing with health issues at home or in other places, such as nursing and rehabilitation facilities, and assisted living facilities.
“…and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” – James 5:16 NKJV
Sister Vonnie Moses (Home)