Pastor Timothy L. Dortch
Subject: “What I Sense God Saying In This Season”
Scripture references are contained within the notes
Sermon Notes and Nuggets
- In this season the people of God are saying within themselves statements like:
- I can’t continue to go on like this.
- Things have got to change.
- I just can’t take it anymore.
- There has got to be more.
- God wants to do so much more.
- Lack of contentment and frustration has set it in.
- Ecclesiastes 3:1
- Some things have come to the end of their season.
- Some things are not working and their has been a season change.
- Things do not look the same and don’t feel the same.
- Example: Even fruit does not taste the same out of season.
- Some things can be produced but out of season.
- There is a type of unrest and/or unsettling.
- There has been a season change.
- This season change may not be the same for everyone.
- Don’t let the enemy cause conflict in your house and in your spirit because of your season change.
- You will have to make some changes.
- Daniel 2:21
- God changes the times and the seasons.
- You can lay down in one season and wake up in another season.
- Stop fighting the season change.
- God has new things for the season change.
- Many have been concerned about the future because what is happening now is outside of your comfort zone.
- Faith is like binoculars; it allows you to see what is far away up-close.
- Walk by faith in His Word, not be sight.
- Exodus 33:12-15
- With every season change their are new responsibilities.
- Factor God into your future.
- With every new responsibility their are new challenges and demands.
- I may be challenged but I’m still chosen.
- The more demanding your day, the more help you can expect from God; the more power it at your disposal.
- What is God is doing for you, with you, and through you is not just for you. God has some other people in mind.
- God knows what each day consists of, and He will empower us accordingly.
- Matthew 6
- The greater the need the more power.
- The greater the deliverance, the greater the struggle.
- The degrees to which God strengthens:
- How difficult the situation.
- Our willingness to depend on Him for help.
- Deuteronomy 33:25
- Moses is blessing the 12 tribes.
- All the days of your appointed time, so shall your strength be.
- Strength = your days.
- Psalm 29:11
- The Lord will give strength unto His people.
- Don’t worry about the future…It will be there when you get there.
- The Lord will bless His people with peace.
** These notes are just highlights and nuggets from the sermon. To have the message in its entirety, please purchase a copy on CD or DVD from the media ministry.**