Pastor Timothy Dortch
Subject: “How Are You Responding To The Invitation?”
Primary Scripture Reference: Matthew 22:1-14
Sermon Notes/Nuggets
- Jesus often spoke to the people by using parables.
- Parables are stories that are in everyday language that people can understand and relate too.
- The larger part of the message in a parable was spiritual.
- In the Parable of the Wedding Feast (found in Matthew 22:1-14), Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a king who made a marriage for his son.
- A royal invitation was extended.
- For us a royal invitation would mean that you would not have to bring anything or make any special arrangements.
- Although the invitation was sent and servants were sent to call for those invited to come, they would not come.
- The text says that they made light of it and went their ways.
- One went to his farm, another to his merchandise, and the remainder treated the king’s servants spitefully and slew them.
- To make light of something means to not take something seriously.
- The king became angry and sent armies to kill those who slew his servants, and burned their cities as well.
- The text says that they made light of it and went their ways.
- In that particular culture, it was not uncommon to receive two (2) invites to a banquet:
- The first invitation was to invite persons to come to the banquet.
- The second invitation was to announce that all things were ready.
- The king sent a third invitation and asked his servants to go out into the highways and bid people to come to the wedding.
- The servants gathered as many people as they could find (good and bad) to come to the wedding; the wedding was furnished with guests.
- The king saw someone that did not have on a wedding garment and was speechless.
- It was customary for wedding guests to be given a wedding garment.
- It was unthinkable to NOT wear a garment, as it would insult the host of the wedding.
- The host would most likely assume that the guest was arrogant, thinking that the one invited didn’t think they needed a garment… assuming that they didn’t want to take part.
- The meaning of the parable Jesus was speaking…
- 1st invitation was extended by the prophets that Jesus would come.
- 2nd invitation was extended by John the Baptist.
- 3rd invitation was extended by the apostles (Paul).
- The wedding garment represented the garment of righteousness needed to enter the kingdom.
- God is still using messengers to extend invitations to His banquet.
- Invitation after invitation has been extended, but how are you responding to it?
- If you are not saved, this is what you need to do:
- Admit you are a sinner and understand the penalty.
- Believe Jesus Christ is Lord.
- Confess His as Savior.
- Repent of your sings and surrender you life to Him.
** These notes are just highlights and nuggets from the sermon. To have the message in its entirety, please purchase a copy on CD or DVD from the media ministry.**