Pastor Timothy L. Dortch
Subject: “Oh Give Thanks Unto The Lord”
Primary Scripture Reference(s): Psalm 136:23-26
Sermon Notes and Nuggets
- Evidence = proof.
- Mercy = love; faithful love.
- Psalm 136 is a psalm of thanksgiving and descriptive praise.
- The author is unknown.
- It was used by Solomon after the building of the temple, as part the prayer of dedication. (2 Chronicles 7)
- It was used by the Levites at the defeat of the Ammonities. (2 Chronicles 20).
- It was read responsively.
- Every psalm had a main focus.
- “Oh” in the phrase “oh give thanks” represents great emotion on the part of the writer.
- Deep, heartfelt expression of gratitude.
- Give thanks = to give public acknowledgement.
- We ought to publicly acknowledge what God has done in a deep, heartfelt manner.
- Psalm 116:12-19
- You don’t have to look far to see that God has been loving, merciful, kind & faithful toward you.
- We take things for granted.
- The first of the last 4 verses reveals what God has done for a group called “us.”
- God remembered us in our low place.
- Psalm 44:7
- The “us” in these verses is Judah.
- God redeemed us from the hand of our enemies.
- Psalm 104:24-28
- Psalm 145:14-15
- In all situations and in all circumstances God’s mercy endures forever.
- Romans 12
- Give God yourselves … your everything because His mercy endures forever.
** These notes are just highlights and nuggets from the sermon. To have the message in its entirety, please purchase a copy on CD or DVD from the media ministry.**