Pastor Timothy L. Dortch
Subject: “Keep Looking To Him”
Primary Scripture Reference(s): Psalm 123:1-4
Sermon Notes and Nuggets
- Psalm 122 is a psalm or song of degrees/acents.
- It is a series of songs sung by pilgrims on a their way up to Jerusalem during feast time.
- Somebody needs a change of degrees right now; you have been in the same place long enough. It’s time to go up!
- The author of this psalm is unknown.
- The psalmist is crying out to God in His affliction.
- Affliction = a great suffering that produces sorrow.
- If we are not careful we will look for deliverance in other places; by other means.
- Verse 1
- The psalmist tells us where to look.
- Their eyes are not on their circumstance, but on the Lord.
- Psalm 13:5
- Psalm 121:1-2
- Jeremiah 3:23
- The help that you need is going to have to come from God.
- The psalmist tells us where to look.
- Verse 2
- The psalmist tells us how to look.
- Keep your eyes fixed; stay focused.
- Patiently persevere until the Lord extends His mercy.
- The psalmist tells us how to look.
- Verse 3
- The psalmist makes his request to God.
- He put his confidence in the Lord before he ever made his request.
- He pleads intensely.
- The enemy, in this hour, is trying to make us think that God is not listening or hearing us.
- Prayer is the lifeline/hotline.
- The psalmist makes his request to God.
- Verse 3B & 4
- He tells God his reason for crying out for mercy.
- Contempt = the act of despising; the act of viewing, considering, or treating as mean, vial, and/or worthless.
- “Filled with the contempt of others…”
- He is confident that the mercy of the Lord will triumph over the contempt of the proud.
** These notes are just highlights and nuggets from the sermon. To have the message in its entirety, please purchase a copy on CD or DVD from the media ministry.**