Pastor Timothy L. Dortch
Subject: “Trust God For Victory In Advance”
Primary Scripture Reference(s): Psalm 20:1-9
Sermon Notes and Nuggets
- Psalm 20 –> it is called a psalm of David to the chief musician.
- This psalm is different than the others because it is not just the voice of David, but also the voice of a multitude praying to God on behalf of the king of Israel as he is about to go through battle.
- Psalm 8 –> difference between LORD and Lord.
- This psalm is different than the others because it is not just the voice of David, but also the voice of a multitude praying to God on behalf of the king of Israel as he is about to go through battle.
- They (Israel) needed to appeal to the LORD (Yaweh –> the covenant name of God) on behalf of the king.
- Jacob –> one of Israel’s patriarchs.
- “Send help from the sanctuary” = a reminder/reference to the tabernacle.
- The tabernacle is mobile.
- This was the center of Israel’s worship; significant to relationship.
- The tabernacle is mobile.
- “Zion” is a reference to Jerusalem.
- If God tell you that it’s already done, then that is an answer and that’s help.
- Earthly help without spiritual help is not much help at all.
- Offering –> it was customary for them to offer sacrifices on the eve of battle or war.
- It was David’s prayer that God would not only see the sacrifices, but receive the sacrifices.
- Do it in the right spirit and the way that God said do it.
- “Minchah” offering = gratitude offering.
- “Olah” offering = burnt offering –> bloody sacrifice; blood was spilt on the altar and the flesh of the sacrifice was consumed.
- It was David’s prayer that God would not only see the sacrifices, but receive the sacrifices.
- Heart’s desire = something you have been longing for.
- David had one desire, which was to defend the people of God and defend the kingdom.
- We are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.
- When our desires are in line with God’s will and plan for our lives, you can pray this prayer in confidence.
- David’s purpose was victory for the people of God.
- God’s plan for us becomes our purpose; we have to see how we fit into God’s plan/purpose… not the other way around.
- The raising of banners signifies God’s victory over the enemy.
- They are tokens of victory.
- They (Israel) did this before the victory or battle was even won.
- If you are going to lead God’s people, you need the oil of the Holy Ghost.
- Save = victorious.
- God is going to save His anointed.
- If He called you to this work, He will give you victory in this work.
** These notes are just highlights and nuggets from the sermon. To have the message in its entirety, please purchase a copy on CD or DVD from the media ministry.**