Pastor Timothy L. Dortch
Subject: “God or Mammon: Which Will You Serve?”
Primary Scripture Reference(s): Matthew 6:24
Sermon Notes and Nuggets
- Jesus said nobody can serve two (2) masters.
- God and Mammon
- In reference to a slave relationship that existed in biblical times –> no slave could serve two masters; their loyalty could only be to one.
- To think you can serve to master is to be deceived.
- Israel struggled with worshipping God and idol gods (Baal).
- This was the idea that Jesus was referring to.
- Mammon –> there are different origins of where the name “mammon” comes from.
- Mammon is materialism or wealth personified.
- It may appear the money can do the same thing that God can, but it cannot.
- Even in the absence of money, God can provide.
- Mammon represents material things that we have now and which we desire to have to be used for the kingdom or an idol or idols.
- For some people wealth/money become their god.
- Don’t let money dictate you or control whether you are up or down.
- Money or the lack thereof has the potential to determine whether you are happy or sad.
- Hating one and despising the other:
- Deals with the heart.
- Serve = worship (The Message Bible).
- Worship is a matter of the heart.
- Matthew 15:8
- Matthew 6:21
- That on which your wishes, desires, and your life is centered.
- Money should not be where your life is centered.
- It is easy to say you love God, and your heart say different.
- You must love God more than money.
- You will sacrifice for the one you love, worship, and serve.
- You don’t have to be rich to serve mammon.
- 1 Timothy 6:17-19
- high-mindedness (haughty)
- 1 Timothy 6:17-19
- If you are not humble before the Lord bless you, then it will corrupt you.
- Luke 12:15
- Life is not measured by what you have.
- Do not trust in uncertain riches.
** These notes are just highlights and nuggets from the sermon. To have the message in its entirety, please purchase a copy on CD or DVD from the media ministry.**