Pastor Timothy Dortch
Subject: “March Fo(u)rth”
Primary Scripture Reference: Exodus 14:15-16
Sermon Notes/Nuggets
- When we cry out to God sometimes it is through prayer.
- Prayer is communication with God.
- Moses cried out to God.
- Hold your peace = stay calm. The Lord is going to fight for you.
- There is a time to pray and there’s a time to act.
- We fear the unknown.
- Go forth and pray on the way.
- Sometimes we are praying for the answer and God has already given us the answer.
- God is going to use what you already have.
- Exodus 4:1-4
- Some of the things we are desiring are right in the house.
- Exodus 14:17-18
- God is going to use your actions as answers.
- Exodus 5:1-2
- We are in a season where the Lord is going to make the enemy eat his words.
- The way you prosper is to do everything that the enemy said you would not do.
- Exodus 14:19-20
- Once you have been delivered don’t go back.
- Exodus 14:21
- God may use what is in your house or in your hand, but it is the LORD that is going to cause things to happen.
- Exodus 14:24
- During the morning watch it was still dark outside.
- The Lord caused confusion to fall on the Egyptians.
- God is God of timing.
- Exodus 14:25
- God is going to make it hard for your enemies.
- It’s possible to realize something too late.
- Exodus 14:26-28
- The victory was total.
- They may have had some trouble ahead of them, but this set of enemies would trouble them no more.
- God has a track record.
** These notes are just highlights and nuggets from the sermon. To have the message in its entirety, please purchase a copy on CD or DVD from the media ministry.**