Pastor Timothy L. Dortch
Subject: “It Shall Be Well”
Primary Scripture Reference(s): 2 Kings 4:23, 26; Isaiah 3:10-11
Sermon Notes and Nuggets
- Deuteronomy 28
- If you’re doing right by God and the people of God, you won’t have to ask. God will have others ask you, what do you have need of?
- God places us in positions to help people, but don’t allow your influence to cause you to get demoted.
- Even if you don’t need something, there’s always a hearts desire somewhere.
- We all need something sometimes.
- We are to be content but there’s always a hearts desire.
- What she really desired, he couldn’t do as a servant, but God can.
- What’s your hearts desire? Whenever you don’t need anything, the blessing will pursue you. Have discernment.
- Prophetic Moment: About this time next year I’ll be embracing my hearts desire.
- You may have been barren in certain areas, but those places will become fruitful.
- It’s going to happen on God’s timetable. He has a timetable and it happens when he says so. God has to do it so that when it’s done, nobody will be able to get the credit/glory for the blessing.
- It’s called due season.
- The key word is press and that’s to apply pressure.
- Don’t count the prophet out of he is of God.
- You cannot stop reaping simply because something or someone is messing with your harvest.
- Whatever you do, don’t forget to pray.
- When during the time of judgement, it SHALL be well with the righteous.
- We can’t put faith in stuff, it has to be in God.
- Faith comes by hearing.
- When it comes to miracles rules and regulations don’t matter, but you have to use wisdom.
- Restoration and Resurrection is due to you and your house.
- Don’t get numb towards God.
** These notes are just highlights and nuggets from the sermon. To have the message in its entirety, please purchase a copy on CD or DVD from the media ministry.**