Pastor Timothy L. Dortch
Subject: “From Suffering To Suddenly”
Primary Scripture Reference: Psalm 6:1-10
Sermon Notes and Nuggets
- Psalm 6 is the first of the penitential psalms which are psalms of confession and humility to God; a cry from deliverance from trouble.
- This particular psalm was to be played on strings particularly and 8-stringed harp.
- David (the writer of the psalm) senses he is being chastised by God, and cries out for God to “lighten up.”
- Hebrews 12:7
- David also feels that God is angry with him.
- Two types of trouble:
- Physically weak and in pain and also spiritually weak and in pain.
- David cries out for mercy.
- David is indirectly asking God to shorten the trial.
- David please for deliverance.
- David pleads on the grounds of God’s mercy.
- David felt distant from God.
- Proverbs 20:10
- Feeling distant from God is trick of the enemy.
- You can go through what you go through to such an extent (or to a certain degree) that you are uncertain about your life.
- 2 Timothy 2:10
- Tribulation and persecution are common to man.
- David seems depressed and discouraged.
- In the last 3 verses David shifts from fear to confidence.
- David had a change of heart and told all his ungodly associates to depart from him.
- Psalm 40
- Your tears matter to God.
** These notes are just highlights and nuggets from the sermon. To have the message in its entirety, please purchase a copy on CD or DVD from the media ministry.**